All Good Tales are a PR agency, like no other, based in Dublin. They specialise in Brand Storytelling and have come up with the ingenuous 'Magic Slice'. It's an idea based on the notion that what a company wants to say online and what your customers want to read can be very different. We've all encountered sites that sell sell sell! themselves! It doesn't make for a riveting read. But All Good Tales have developed a way to find a common ground - so to speak - where both the story the brand is telling is relevant to what the customers want to hear. This is their magic slice!
I was lucky to work with the team, headed up by Jack Murray - PR impresario who also is the owner of Media HQ Irelands largest PR agency and product. Its very satisfying working with a team who are as passionate about brand story-telling as I am. Key to the project was to create a platform that could extol these virtues in a clear manner through the use of large imagery, crisp illustration and clear user interface design. The result is a site that gets the message across in the fewest clicks possible.
If you want to have a stronger online presence and tell your customers about your brand get in touch to discuss you digital needs.
See more of this project here.