Maynooth University Charity Branding
The students of Maynooth University wanted to create a charity initiative to support their local community. The brief was to turn a negative into a positive. The negative - the perception of students during Rag Week, a time when students are seen as a nuisance and often anti-social behavior occurs. The positive - try to engage in fund raising throughout this week.Therefore turning Rag Week into a positive in the community.
Create an identity for 'Give a Little, Do a Lot'. Instead of wasting money socializing during rag week the students aimed to hold a series of charity events in support of a new charity each year.
The brand had to be recognizable to the community throughout the years regardless of what charity is being supported. Additionally the students had to take pride in the brand, stand behind it, and spend their time supporting fundraising activities.
The typeface was developed with large swashes to communicate the idea that each person can support the next. The patters and varying colours represent these groups and their individual voices.
The initiative, beginning in 2013 is now in its third year supporting the mental health charity, Save Our Sons & Daughters.